Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Sexy is....Dangerous!


Whooa!! We are in the designate month of topic sex!
I imagine this conjures certain thoughts and opinions in various people. I know there are those who are already dismissing this as an immoral direction while others are curious and intent on seeing the months topic through!

That is all very interesting.

We have had the build up so far, I hope it has been humorous for most of you. In fact, my idea of sex is humoured! I do not see sex as something to shy away from and condemn. It is BEAUTIFUL! It is mysterious. It is in the mind! The groin! It is something that may remain unfulfilled in ones entire lifetime! Now isn't that special! Or have you never had time to think about it! That is because you are tryn to get it, or get it right....silly!

Unfortunately, sex has the brand of the devils workmanship. It is the greatest sin. Number 6. More sinister after it was flipped by a Mahraj and 69 became fashionable!
It shapes and shifts our cultures and societies. It is after all, the essence of life itself, of the species, humans in particular.
It is for this reason I decided to start with it. Once through with sex....we can get "up" and continue living the routine everyday humm drumm drag of life!!
Here are some quick facts I made up, plz feel free to add your own:

If humans came on heat seasonally;

1. There would be never ending sexual (civil) wars globally.

2. Women would be rulers of the earth.

3. Noone would marry and therefore the whole darn institution would never evolve.

4. Religion...mmmh, now, where would it stand? Mh!? There would be worshipping, of the female kind!

6. There would be intense segregation and discrimination based on masculinity and perfection of the male physique! Vitambi men would be non breeders!

7. We would be living in the stages just before the Industrial Revolution! Or worse.

8. There would be no nagging.

9. No strip shows.

10. No cheating........!
11. No football or soccer!

12. No politics, no democracy, no Hope.
13. No bars and brothels.
14. No mobile phones, just walkie talkies.
15. No fancy cars, perhaps APCs( Amoured Personell Carriers)
16. No genuine gentlemen, just Warlords.
17. Peepshows instead of fashion shows.
18. No beauty pageants, every woman would be just fine....
19. No money. The economy for men would be based on begging, not exchange.
20. No sex, perhaps mating and copulating as a specific biological function.
21. Names such as Dick, Prick and Jack would be inconceivable!
22...a shag would be a type of male day or wet dream....
What do you think? Life would be *%&$ up eh!

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