Thursday, March 12, 2009


There is always a catch!! When we glimpse the chicks that we eventually catch and own, we are first attracted by sex appeal, sense of freedom, charm, easy-going manner, humor and love of God....right?
Ok, I accept that some of us guys simply go for the gifts Mama bestowed!
However, a lota girlfriends tell me they have toned down the girly humor and charm because their "men manager" equate it to Flirting!

Slashed sexy, sassy and easy going due to perceived promiscuity and looseness.

Freedom is non-existent period. It is not a fair world, there are scavengers abounding!

Love of God is desired and paramount!

So, wats up with us guys? Why are'nt we proud to have women who gat back and can flaunt it? It is OURS right? Others can gawk all they like!!

How about Kanye here, his gal got that bold bald look and fits herself into these sexy garments! If he were trying to put up a grill all the time...wud she be hangin onto him like that?


  1. he hee! mr liundi u funny, still a tacaids commisioner? interesting sense of humor u have there

  2. Hi Anonymouses!
    Lol! Thats what you bacome when you are two anonymous people..anonyMOUSES!!LOL!!
    Yes, she is er, the bomb I think rather than gorgeous! My opinion.
    Nurus blog has more on her.

    Oh, I am no longer a Commissioner since April 2008. I am proud of the time spent in that service.
    The job was stiffling my funny I am FREE to be as damn funny as I wanna be!! Yeeeeeah!

  3. I am one of the previous anonymouses, I stumbled back had forgeotten i was here b4. I was wondering what whoever appointed you to that commision would have to say about your blog.
    So i understand u now at tbc? pse bring creativity to the stations and a fresh breath, and get online people! at least on you tube basi. Those of us away from home miss our tbc! And get rid of those spanish soaps, if you haven't already. Let's embrace African shows
