Monday, February 16, 2009


Before I go today, I feel I need to post this entry about being fit.
I recall in my young days admiring muscular guys in magazines that promoted bulging muscles in weeks! These pictures motivated me to some extent but strangely, I never decided to lift weights!I did al ot of sports though!

When I think about it now, I notice that there are half in ten guys anyway that do NOT have muscular arms and chests. Strange, the ideal male physique is NOT what men attempt at getting!! There must be something to that.
How come our sisters want larger breasts and butts? Wider hips and mushy lips? They get them! Whats up with us guys? If someone wants to study this, they may find a very key male logic to our psych! Good luck.

Anyway, the only regret that I have now I am 35+ is that I hunger for that look even more! It is a fact that post the age of 30, a great percentage of men will gain at least a kilo of FAT each year! A steady, natural unchecked increase (despite exercise and dieting) that will surprise most guys when their friends begin to talk about the bulge.

The STATUS SYMBOL. Affluence, making it in life bulge! It has many names, some joke it is an OPINION, Cause it stands out so much! Yeah, right...! That's what people used to say to me "Eh, mzee, naona mambo yako mazuri!" Strangely again, men actually ACCEPT this, a disease! Kitambi sio afya man!! Let me leave it there for now. How do you ladies feel about men with vitambi, not only how you feel, but how does kitambi affect you? Guys, is kitambi the good life?

In my hext health post, I will get deeper into this common male disease. I am going out for a jog...wanna join me?

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